Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Front suspension refresh

 The struts on my 1999 9-3 Convertible were starting to hiss whenever I went over a speed bump. So I decided it was time to replace them.

I bought new struts, and new rear shocks, as well as front strut mounts. Looking at the way the struts are mounted, I realized I would have to pop the ball joints and tie rod ends to get them out. Looking at the various boots and bushings, showed that just about everything rubber was failing. Except the CV boots, oddly enough.

So I ordered new control arms, sway bar links, and tie rod ends. And some new tools too!

I used my new HF floor jack and got the car up. The cross brace is listed as a jack point so I jacked at the center with a wood block, then lowered it onto a pair of jackstands.

I used my new HF ball joint separator on the ball joints as well as the tie rod ends. I've always used pickle forks to separate these in the past. While they were separated, the rubber boots were usually pretty much shredded. But this new tool was wonderful! 

The BAM!!! it makes when the joint goes is, well, scary. I mean OMGWTFWASTHATHORRIBLENOISE scary.

Aside from that, everything was pretty straightforward. The control arms and such came apart rather easily. Though I'm sure this bushing may have helped with making it easier...

But the new parts fit right up and look great!

 But when it was time to replace the strut insert... Ugh.

The sleeve nut would NOT come loose! A 30" channel lock pliers was not enough to loosen that !@#$%@$ thing. I had my 21 year old son stand on the strut while I tried to loosen the nut. No joy.

Finally, having given up, I put the stupid things back in the car. Sigh. Looks like I'll be doing this again soon.

But at least I have the cool separator tool to make it easy!

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